Digital radiography 

Digital dental radiography is an indispensable tool for the dentist, which gives us multiple information.
Through a digital X-ray, we can prevent and make early diagnosis for various diseases.

Many times a diagnosis can be complex, which is why a digital tooth x-ray is required.
Although Digital X-ray is often an indispensable tool for the doctor, it is only done on his/her recommendation.

Posterior cranial radiograph 

The dentist can obtain information about the existence of caries, the morphology of the root and pulp chamber, the existence and morphology of periapical lesions, the control of the facet bone and periodontal tissues, the existence of fractures of the root or root, the existence of internal or external root resorption.

Panoramic X-rays    

 They are the x-rays that give us very easily, a general view of both jaws together. They therefore help in the diagnosis of:
1. Simple , or complex problems in the jaws, such as bone destruction, anatomical anomalies or peculiarities of the jaws, etc.
2. Possible lack of permanent teeth.
3. The position of the sophronisers. ( wisdom teeth).
4. Determining the dental age of children.
5. The finding of teeth that are trapped or overcrowded.