Endodontic treatments (Root Canal Therapy) 

Endodontic treatment or root canal treatment of the tooth, is the intervention of the dentist inside the tooth, i. e. the pulp and dentin. The purpose of the treatment is the removal of the infected or dead pulp and hermetic sealing of the root canal to facilitate the restoration of periapical tissues. Polyp is a soft tissue that contains nerve fibres, connective tissue and blood vessels.


– The tooth is anaesthetised locally
– Isolated from saliva and bacteria with rubber buffers
– Tooth milling
– With an acro locator, the root canals are detected
– Disinfection of root canals with special solutions
– In case of fistula or intense inflammation, a special paste is placed in the root canals for 8 to 10 days before the completion of the treatment

Instructions to patients

During the treatment the tooth is sensitive.

Avoid chewing on that side, especially hard foods, and let the doctor know if the temporary filling goes away.

It is possible to experience certain discomforts that may be due to :
● Irritation of the area around the tooth due to treatment or
● In a resurgence of an old infection that was pre-existing, but was in remission with pain or swelling

In this case, follow the instructions below:

1.Wash your mouth with warm salt water or chamomile. The liquid should be hot enough, as long as you can tolerate it, the washing process will last 5 minutes and will be repeated every 1-2 hours

2.If you notice the appearance of swelling, put ice wrapped in a towel on the outside of the area (on the skin), keep it there for 5 – 10 minutes and repeat every 1 – 2 hours

3.Complete the treatment with warm mouthwashes in between

4.If you are in pain you can take painkiller tablets, one every 4 hours or 6 hours

5.Do not hesitate to call the dentist for possible medication